Aishiteruze Baby (2004)

Kippei is a ladies man. Always in trouble for flirting in class, after class, anytime he can. So it is some big surprise to him when he gets saddled with watching Yuzuyu, a cute little girl.Yuzuyu`s mother has gone missing, and so Kippei`s family is watching her until her mother can be found. Of course, since Kippei could use a few lessons in responsibility, he is the "best" choice for the job.This story is working out to be very cute. Kippei`s natural "mother" instinct is really brought to the front while trying to to his best for Yuzuyu, but he is a boy. His ineptitude regarding the smallest things a mother would need to know [like packing a lunch for school] are endearing rather than hokey, and the character of Yuzuyu is cute, without being overly so.


Aishiteruze Baby: Season 1 - 27 Episode s

Aishiteruze Baby: 1 Season

Other names for Aishiteruze Baby

I Love You, Baby (US)Love You Baby (US)我爱你、宝贝 (CN)我爱你BABY (CN)Aishiteruze Beibe (JP)Aishiteruze Baby★★ (JP)Aishiteru ze Baby (JP)型仔凑女记 (HK)Люблю тебя, малышка (RU)รักเธอ (TH)Baby, My Love (CH)

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