Akkara Kazhchakal (2008)
Akkara Kazchakal is a Malayalam sitcom that aired on Kairali TV from 2008 to 2010. The series consisted of fifty episodes, and chronicled the lives of a middle-class Malayali family who have settled in the United States. The show was created by Abi Varghese and Ajayan Venugopalan and starred relative newcomers as the leads. The show is regarded as the first true Malayalam sitcom, and broke broadcasting conventions when it was uploaded into YouTube in its entirety by the show's creators. Akkarakazhchakal has enjoyed widespread popularity during its initial run as well as the subsequent years. The series has been especially commended for its realistic portrayal of Malayali life, social commentary and satirical humour. Josekutty Valiyakallumkal has been widely praised for his portrayal of George Thekkinmoottil, the patriarch of the family The show's popularity lead to a film titled Akkarakazhchakal: The Movie. The film was available for direct download at the show's website.
Akkara Kazhchakal: Season 1 - 50 Episode s
1x1 - Church Going
January 15, 2008
The George family prepares to go to Church
1x2 - Malayalam Culture
George installs a Malayalam Channel to teach his daughter Chakki and teenage son Matt the young adult in the family some "Malayalam Culture"
1x3 - New Nurses
1x4 - George's New Business Idea
1x5 - Christmas Invitation
1x6 - Haunting
1x7 - George's New Diet Plan
1x8 - Insurance Agent Exam
1x9 - New Marketing Techniques
1x10 - Feng Shui/ Vaasthu
1x11 - Dating Scene
1x12 - Gregory's Hidden Talent
1x13 - Gregory's New Pet
1x14 - George's Handyman
1x15 - Rincy plans an India Trip
1x16 - Babykuttan joins Sameway
1x17 - Sameway Millionaire
1x18 - George's Party
1x19 - Appachan
1x20 - Matt grows up
1x21 - Invited to Party
1x22 - Gregory resigns
1x23 - First day at Blimpies
1x24 - George's new Assistant
1x25 - Babykuttan learns to drive
1x26 - Generation gap
1x27 - Career change
1x28 - Superstar
1x29 - The Candy problem
1x30 - New Hobby
1x31 - Appachan's Krishi
1x32 - Achar
1x33 - Omana Onam
1x34 - Job Search, Car Search, Wife Search
1x35 - Back to school
1x36 - Halloween
1x37 - Mahi's dilemma
1x38 - The Rat problem
1x39 - George goes to Doctor
1x40 - Black Friday
1x41 - Rincy's brother visits
1x42 - Infomercial
1x43 - Christmas
1x44 - Appachan Babysits
1x45 - The Love Letter
1x46 - Appachan's Birthday
1x47 - DJ KJ
1x48 - Going Back Home
1x49 - Babykuttan's English Tutor
1x50 - George's new Car