AMV Hell (2004)

AMV Hell was originally created as a collaboration between two AMV (Anime Music Video) editors, Zarxrax and SSGWNBTD. Me and SSGWNBTD would often chat over AOL Instant Messenger. He would frequently send me short clips and incomplete AMVs that he would never finish. Sometimes he would just tell me a song title and an anime, and that was all. Then one day I thought, "why not take all of this incomplete stuff and combine it together?" I also had a lot of random ideas in my head that I knew I couldn't make a full AMV out of. So between the two of us, it seemed like we might be able to bring together at least a few minutes of content. I wanted to be able to send the video to some AMV Contests, so that meant we would have to keep the video fairly clean in order for it to be shown in front of convention audiences. This was a bit of a problem, because we already had several ideas that weren't exactly "convention friendly".

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