Andrew Marr's History of the World (2012)

Andrew Marr's History of the World is a 2012 BBC documentary television series presented by Andrew Marr that covers 70,000 years of world history from the beginning of human civilisation, as African nomadic peoples spread out around the world and settled down to become the first farmers, up to the twentieth century.


Andrew Marr's History of the World: 1 Season

Actors in Andrew Marr's History of the World

Tags for Andrew Marr's History of the World

Other names for Andrew Marr's History of the World

Iсторiя свiту (UA)História do Mundo por Andrew Marr (BR)La historia del mundo (ES)L'histoire du monde (FR)A História do Mundo (PT)История мира (RU)Världens historia (SE)

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