Battle for Dream Island (2010)
Battle for Dream Island (BFDI for short) is an American reality TV viewer-voting independent animated web series created by the Huang Twins, Michael and Cary. The series is about a competition between inanimate, anthropomorphic objects, such as a snowball.
Battle for Dream Island: Season 1 - 25 Episode s
1x1 - Take the Plunge
January 1, 2010
Twenty animated objects are told by an Announcer that they can win Dream Island, a 1-square-mile island of paradise that includes luxurious facilities, a casino, robot servants, a 5-star hotel, and 6 restaurants. The objects are told that they will have to compete in a challenge and they believe that the winner would win the island and will be able to choose who can and can't go with them.
1x2 - Barriers and Pitfalls
February 1, 2010
1x3 - Are You Smarter Than A Snowball?
March 1, 2010
1x4 - Sweet Tooth
April 1, 2010
1x5 - Bridge Crossing
May 1, 2010
1x6 - Power of Three
June 1, 2010
1x7 - Puzzling Mysteries
July 1, 2010
1x8 - Cycle of Life
August 1, 2010
1x9 - Insectophobe's Nightmare
September 1, 2010
1x10 - Crybaby!
October 1, 2010
1x11 - Lofty
November 1, 2010
1x12 - A Leg Up in the Race
December 1, 2010
1x13 - Don't Lose Your Marbles
January 1, 2011
1x14 - Half a Loaf Is Better Than None
February 1, 2011
1x15 - Vomitaco
March 1, 2011
1x16 - Bowling, Now with Explosions!
April 1, 2011
1x17 - The Reveal
May 1, 2011
1x18 - Reveal Novum
June 1, 2011
1x19 - Rescission
July 1, 2011
1x20 - Gardening Hero
August 1, 2011
1x21 - The Glistening
September 1, 2011
1x22 - Don't Pierce My Flesh
October 1, 2011
1x23 - Hurtful!
November 1, 2011
1x24 - Insectophobe's Nightmare 2
December 1, 2011
1x25 - Return of the Hang Glider
January 1, 2012