Big Barn Farm
Big Barn Farm is a British children's television series following the lives of four young animals on a farm which uses a combination of live-action and animation. It was produced by The Foundation and commissioned by Michael Carrington for the BBC children's channel Cbeebies. It was narrated by Ben Fairman in series 1 and Dave Lamb in series 2.
Big Barn Farm: Season 1 - 20 Episode s
1x1 - You Can't Teach a New Dog Old Tricks
1x2 - Lester Loses His Voice
1x3 - The Grass is Always Greener
1x4 - Keeping Quiet
1x5 - Petal and Gobo Fall Out
1x6 - To Catch a Thief
1x7 - The Important Visitors
1x8 - Greedy Goat
1x9 - Lester the Leader
1x10 - Driving Miss Petal
1x11 - Best In Show
1x12 - 40 Winks
1x13 - Hot and Sticky Day
1x14 - He's Got to Go
1x15 - Recycling Proficiency Test
1x16 - Hide and Seek
1x17 - Going Camping
1x18 - Touch the Sky
1x19 - What's Up Ducks
1x20 - Who's Afraid of the Windy Wolf