Berry and Dolly (2010)
The animated series is set in a little forest with Berry, Dolly, and their forest and beetle friends. The two main characters are Berry the snail, and Dolly, the ladybird. The stories are based on children's everyday lives with love, loyalty and the respect of nature as the main messages.
Created by Erika Bartos
Berry and Dolly: Season 1 - 13 Episode s
1x1 - Friends
November 25, 2010
1x2 - Earache
November 25, 2010
1x3 - The Rainbow
November 25, 2010
1x4 - The Kite
November 25, 2010
1x5 - Santa
November 25, 2010
1x6 - The Big Spider
November 25, 2010
1x7 - Christmas
November 25, 2010
1x8 - Witches
November 25, 2010
1x9 - Kindergarten
November 25, 2010
1x10 - The Little Bumblebee
November 25, 2010
1x11 - The Snowman
November 25, 2010
1x12 - Sea Adventure
November 25, 2010
1x13 - Alfonzo's Fiddle
November 25, 2010
Other names for Berry and Dolly
Bobi in Pika (SI)