Chushingura: A 48th Loyal Retainer in Love (2016)

Set in the Edo period, a story revolves around Kiyo, a woman who strives to overcome status differences of those days. When she pledges to live for love, a knife attack occurs at Edo castle. And as a 48th loyal retainer, her fate changes after a raid on Kira: she is determined to serve at the inner palace of Edo Castle called "Ooku".


Chushingura: A 48th Loyal Retainer in Love: 1 Season

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Other names for Chushingura: A 48th Loyal Retainer in Love

Forbidden Love with a Samurai (US)Chuushingura no Koi ~ 48-ninme no Chuushin (JP)忠臣蔵の恋~四十八人目の忠臣 (JP)Chuushingura no Koi (JP)

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