Clown Cop (2019)
Clown Cop is a comedic web series that follows Detective Spanky McBishop as he tries to solve crime while battling his addictions. It's a dark comedy that exposes the underbelly of society while exploring the weaknesses of man.
Clown Cop: Season 1 - 5 Episode s
1x1 - Clown cop and the case of the Dead Hooker
March 21, 2019
The Clown Cop, after waking up from a blackout arrives at the scene of the crime. The crime is murder, and Det. Spanky and his partner are here to make you laugh and follow the clues.
1x2 - Clown Cop and the Cross Dresser
March 21, 2019
Spanky and Vigoda interrogate Sammy the cross dresser.
1x3 - Clown Cop and the Captain, or Spank's little pink balls
March 21, 2019
Det. Spanky is on thin ice with his Captain and the D.A. He is screwing up, getting drunker, and out come his little pink balls.
1x4 - Clown Cop and the Russian mob goon, or "no one can hear you scream Yegor"!
March 21, 2019
Detective Spanky and his partner Detective Phil Vigoda interrogate the bowling obsessed Russian thug who has information on the dead hookers death.
1x5 - Clown Cop hits his bottom, or "raindrops keep falling on my head"
March 21, 2019
Detective Spanky disappears and his partner, Phil, finally finds him in a sad and pathetic place. It's time Spanky changed his life.