Cosmos (2014)

An epic adventure in time, space and life.

Famed astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson provides clarity for the vision of the cosmos as he voyages across the universe with never-before-told stories that delve into the scientific concepts of the laws of gravity and the origins of space and time.


Cosmos: Season 1 - 13 Episode s

Actors in Cosmos

Other names for Cosmos

Cosmos Uma Odisseia no Espaço-Tempo (BR)Cosmos: Uma Odisséia do Espaço-Tempo (BR)Cosmos - Mundos Possíveis (BR)宇宙时空之旅:未知世界 (CN)Cosmos: Una odisea en el espacio-tiempo (ES)Cosmos: Otros mundos (ES)Cosmos: Un autre monde est possible (FR)Cosmos: Nouveaux mondes (FR)קוסמוס: עולמות אפשריים (GR)Kozmosz: Lehetséges világok (HU)קוסמוס :מסע במרחב-זמן (IL)コスモス:時空と宇宙 (JP)코스모스 : 가능한 세계들 (KR)Cosmos: Una odisea del espacio-tiempo. (MX)Cosmos: Una odisea en el espacio-tiempo. (MX)Cosmos: Mundos Posibles (MX)Cosmos: Mundos Possíveis (PT)Космос: Пространство и время (RU)Космос: Возможные миры (RU)Cosmos: Bir Uzay Serüveni (TR)Cosmos: Yeni Dünyalar (TR)宇宙大探索 (TW)Космос: Можливі світи (UA)Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey (US)Cosmos: Possible Worlds (US)Cosmos: A Space-Time Odyssey (US)Unser Kosmos - Die Reise Geht Weiter (DE)Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey (NL)Cosmos A SpaceTime Odyssey (NL)

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