Creepy Crawlies (1987)
Creepy Crawlies was a stop motion animation series created by Cosgrove Hall. The series consisted of 52 ten-minute episodes, which were broadcast on Children's ITV between 1987 and 1989. All episodes were written by Peter Reeves and directed by Franc Vose and Brian Little; narration and character voices were provided by Paul Nicholas. The series was based upon the daily goings-on of a group of common invertebrate creatures that lived at the bottom of a garden around an old sundial.
Creepy Crawlies: Season 1 - 26 Episode s
1x1 - The Cold
January 7, 1987
1x2 - Lambeth the Conqueror
January 14, 1987
1x3 - The Worm that Never Was
January 21, 1987
1x4 - You Too Can Have Muscles Like Mine
January 28, 1987
1x5 - The Day the Sky Fell In
February 4, 1987
1x6 - Storm in a Teacup
February 11, 1987
1x7 - The Surprise
February 18, 1987
1x8 - Case of the Jumps
February 25, 1987
1x9 - The Other Sundial
March 4, 1987
1x10 - Manners Maketh Beetle
March 11, 1987
1x11 - Call Me Mr. Helpful
March 18, 1987
1x12 - The Leaving
March 25, 1987
1x13 - Best Day Ever
April 1, 1987
1x14 - Wild and Exciting Marmalade
April 8, 1987
1x15 - The Red Voice
April 15, 1987
1x16 - Where There's Luck There's Jam
April 22, 1987
1x17 - Leaning and Draughts
April 29, 1987
1x18 - Worms and Wool
May 6, 1987
1x19 - The Meaning of it All
May 13, 1987
1x20 - Pleasurabalosities
May 20, 1987
1x21 - A Celebration of Friendship
May 27, 1987
1x22 - The See-Through Nose
June 3, 1987
1x23 - The TV Dinner
June 10, 1987
1x24 - When the Garden Loses It's Grip
June 17, 1987
1x25 - The Art of Noise
June 24, 1987
1x26 - The Stone Dream
July 1, 1987