Danger & Eggs (2017)

Follows the endless adventures of a fearless, teal-haired girl named D.D. Danger and her ever cautious best friend, a giant talking egg named Phillip. Together, join this buddy system as they explore an underground laboratory, meet a tech-savvy raccoon, and find moments of heart in the smallest bite of broccoli.


Danger & Eggs: Season 1 - 25 Episode s

Danger & Eggs: 1 Season

Actors in Danger & Eggs

Other names for Danger & Eggs

デンジャー&エッグ (JP)デンジャー&エッグ ~なかよし2人のおかしな大冒険~ (JP)A Menina e o Ovo (BR)Dedé y Phillip (ES)डेंजर धमाल - ऐग कमाल (IN)Danger e l'Uovo (IT)데인저와 필립 (KR)Peligro y Huevito (MX)Draka i Jajek (PL)Бяда и яйцо (RU)Tehlike ve Yumurta (TR)Durfal & Eitje (NL)ديدي وفيليب (LB)

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