Digimon: Digital Monsters (1999)

While at summer camp, seven kids are transported to a strange digital world. In this new world they make friends with creatures that call themselves Digimon who were born to defend their world from various evil forces.

Created by

Digimon: Digital Monsters: Season 1 - 54 Episode s

Digimon: Digital Monsters: 2 Season s

Actors in Digimon: Digital Monsters

Other names for Digimon: Digital Monsters

Digimon Adventure 02 (US)Digimon Adventure (US)Digimon Adventure Zero Two (US)Digimon: Digital Monsters (US)数码宝贝大冒险 (CN)数码兽大冒险 (CN)数码暴龙 (CN)デジモンアドベンチャー02 (JP)Digimon (BR)Digimon Adventure (BR)Os Digimon (PT)Digimon Adventure 01 (TH)Digimoni (HR)Digimonok (HU)Digimoni (BA)

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