Discover Magazine (1996)
Discover Magazine is a 1992-2000 documentary television series that aired on the Disney Channel from 1992-1994 and then on The Science Channel from 1996-2000. The series is named after the magazine of the same name, Discover Magazine. The Disney Channel series was narrated by actor Joseph Campanella. The Science Channel series was hosted by Peter DeMeo from 1996-1998. The series was nominated for an Emmy Award for "Outstanding Informational Series" in 1996, 1997 for "Outstanding Non-Fiction Series", and 1 other time The series was created by producer-director Les Guthman at the Walt Disney Company in 1991, after Mr. Guthman licensed the television rights to Discover Magazine from Family Media in 1990. Mr. Guthman produced the series for two seasons on The Disney Channel, 1992-1994, and then working with Disney President and CEO Frank Wells sold the series to Discovery Communications in late 1994, after The Disney Channel abandoned its family-adult prime time schedule.
Discover Magazine: Season 1 - 7 Episode s
1x1 - Invisible Enemies
January 1, 1996
1x2 - Islands of Mystery
1x3 - The Last Neanderthals
1x4 - Living Fossils
1x5 - Lost in Time
1x6 - A Monster's Tale
1x7 - Forensic Detectives
April 24, 1996
One of the most shocking crimes of the 19th century, the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, has a new twist.