Dogs in Space (2021)

Fetch — a new planet for us all!

In the not-so-distant future, genetically enhanced dogs are sent across the universe in search of a new home for the human race. It’s a giant cosmic game of fetch, as the canines seek a planet that will save humanity and - more importantly - let them return to their beloved owners.

Created by

Dogs in Space: Season 1 - 10 Episode s

Dogs in Space: 2 Season s

Other names for Dogs in Space

スペースドギーズ (JP)Чотирилапі астронавти (UA)كلاب في الفضاء (AE)Perros en el espacio (AR)Farejando Novos Mundos (BR)Perros espaciales (ES)Les Chiens dans l'espace (FR)Cani nello spazio (IT)멍멍이 우주 탐사대 (KR)Psy w kosmosie (PL)Operasyon Hav Hav (TR)Hunde im All (DE)Űrkutyák (HU)De ruimtehonden (NL)Romhundene (NO)Rymdhundarna (SE)Hafani ve vesmíru (CZ)

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