Doraemon (1979)

Doraemon is an anime TV series created by Fujiko F. Fujio and based on the manga series of the same name. This anime is the much more successful successor of the 1973 anime.

Created by

Doraemon: Season 1 - 100 Episode s

Other names for Doraemon

哆啦A梦大山版 (CN)哆啦A梦1979大山版 (CN)哆啦A梦 (CN)机器猫 (CN)דורימון (IL)ドラえもん (JP)Doraemon: El gato cósmico (ES)小叮当 (HK)叮噹 (HK)叮当 (HK)多啦A梦 (HK)مغامرات عبقور (SA)عبقور (SA)โดเรม่อน (TH)哆啦a梦 (MO)

Shows like Doraemon