Evil Genius (2018)

This baffling true crime story starts with the grisly death of a pizza man who robs a bank with a bomb around his neck - and gets weirder from there.


Evil Genius: 1 Season

Other names for Evil Genius

Evil Genius: The True Story of America's Most Diabolical Bank Heist (US)Διαβολική Ευφυΐα: Η Αληθινή Ιστορία της πιο Σατανικής Ληστείας Τράπεζας στην Αμερική (GR)Evil Genius: la vera storia della rapina più diabolica d'america (IT)이블 지니어스: 누가 피자맨을 죽였나? (KR)Злой гений: Реальная история самого чудовищного ограбления банка в истории Америки (RU)

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