FireStorm (2003)
Firestorm is a Japanese anime series co-created by two British people: Gerry Anderson and his business partner John Needham. The series combines CGI animation for mecha and traditional cel animation for characters. Despite high-quality animation and an emphasis on futuristic vehicles traditional to Anderson productions, the series was not warmly received in Japan. Series availability in other countries has been limited.
Created by Gerry Anderson
FireStorm: Season 1 - 26 Episode s
1x1 - Storm Force 9
April 6, 2003
1x2 - Countdown
April 13, 2003
1x3 - Black Orchid
April 20, 2003
1x4 - Carlo Morelli
1x5 - Barracuda
May 4, 2003
1x6 - Destroy Arizona
1x7 - Ocean Diner
May 18, 2003
1x8 - Deep Sea
May 25, 2003
1x9 - Wings
June 1, 2003
1x10 - Pilot
June 8, 2003
1x11 - Laser Cannon
June 15, 2003
1x12 - Lightning
June 22, 2003
1x13 - Emergency Red (Part 1)
1x14 - Emergency Red (Part 2)
1x15 - Escape
July 13, 2003
1x16 - Monsters
1x17 - Brain Storm
July 27, 2003
1x18 - Oasis
August 3, 2003
1x19 - The Girl who fell to Earth
1x20 - Vortex
August 17, 2003
1x21 - Planet Zorion
1x22 - Trap
August 31, 2003
1x23 - The Great Escape
1x24 - Pyramid
September 14, 2003
1x25 - Invasion
September 21, 2003
1x26 - Final Signal
September 28, 2003