G-Force: Guardians of Space (1986)
G-Force: Guardians of Space is the second American animated television adaptation of the Japanese anime series Science Ninja Team Gatchaman, following Sandy Frank Entertainment's initial 1978 effort Battle of the Planets and preceding ADV Films recent 2005 attempt, known as just Gatchaman. With G-Force, Sandy Frank Entertainment collaborated with Turner Broadcasting to create a newer, more faithful translation of Science Ninja Team Gatchaman for a new audience, and such a translation was made possible with the relaxed television standards of the 1980s, a luxury that the more Star Wars-themed Battle of the Planets did not enjoy.
G-Force: Guardians of Space: Season 1 - 85 Episode s
1x1 - The Robot Stegosaur
September 8, 1986
1x2 - The Blast at the Bottom of the Sea
September 9, 1986
1x3 - The Strange White Shadow
September 10, 1986
1x4 - The Giant Centipoid
September 11, 1986
1x5 - The Phantom Fleet
September 12, 1986
1x6 - The Micro Robots
September 15, 1986
1x7 - The Bad Blue Baron
September 16, 1986
1x8 - The Secret of the Reef
September 17, 1986
1x9 - The Sting of the Scorpion
September 18, 1986
1x10 - The Antoid Army
September 19, 1986
1x11 - The Mighty Blue Hawk
September 22, 1986
1x12 - The Locustoid
September 23, 1986
1x13 - The Deadly Red Sand
September 24, 1986
1x14 - That Rainbow Ray
September 25, 1986
1x15 - The Giant Jellyfish Lens
September 26, 1986
1x16 - The Regenerating Robot
September 29, 1986
1x17 - The Beetle Booster
September 30, 1986
1x18 - The Whale Submarine
October 1, 1986
1x19 - The Racing Inferno
October 2, 1986
1x20 - The Mightiest Mole
October 3, 1986
1x21 - Race of the Cyborgs
October 10, 1986
1x22 - The Fiery Dragon
1x23 - The Mammoth Iron Ball
1x24 - The Neon Giant
1x25 - The Rock Robot
1x26 - The Secret Sting Ray
1x27 - The ANIrobot
1x28 - Invisible Enemy
1x29 - The Project Called "Rock-E-X"
1x30 - The Attack of the Mantis
1x31 - The Sinister STAR-ONE
1x32 - The Giant Squid
1x33 - In The Tentacles' Grip
1x34 - Operation Aurora
1x35 - The Sun-Bird
1x36 - The Deadly Sea
1x37 - The Particle Beam
1x38 - The Dinosaur Man
1x39 - The Monster Plants
1x40 - Those Fatal Flowers
1x41 - Killer Music
1x42 - Swan Song Prison
1x43 - Human Robots
1x44 - The Shock Waves
1x45 - The Case of the Kalanite
1x46 - The Deadly Valley
1x47 - The Super-z-20
1x48 - The Camera Weapon
1x49 - The Mechanical Fang
1x50 - The Skeleton Curse
1x51 - Wheel of Destruction
1x52 - The Secret Red Impulse
1x53 - The Van Allen Vector
1x54 - The Vengeance
1x55 - The Micro-Submarine
1x56 - The Bird Missile
1x57 - Battle of the North Pole
1x58 - The Super-Lazer
1x59 - Mystery of the Haunted Island
1x60 - G-Force Agent 6
1x61 - Dream of Danger
1x62 - The Snow Devil
1x63 - The Strange Strike-Out
1x64 - A Deadly Gift
1x65 - The Iron Beast
1x66 - When Fashion Was Fatal
1x67 - The Proto Monster
1x68 - Radioactive Island
1x69 - The Devil's Graveyard
1x70 - Mummy Mania
1x71 - The Abominable Snowman Cometh
1x72 - Plague of Robots
1x73 - The Mammothodon
1x74 - Secret of the Power
1x75 - The Crab Robot
1x76 - The Reverser Ray
1x77 - Shock Waves
1x78 - Battle on the Ocean Bottom
1x79 - Stolen Identity
1x80 - The Mind-Control Machine
1x81 - Force of the Mega-Robots
1x82 - The Flame Zone
1x83 - Web of Danger
1x84 - The Secret of G-4
1x85 - Galactor's Deadly Trap
G-Force: Guardians of Space: 1 Season
Actors in G-Force: Guardians of Space
Sam Fontana
Ace Goodheart (voice)
Cam Clarke
Dirk Daring (voice)
Barbara Goodson
Agatha June / Pee Wee (voice), Agatha June (voice) / Pee Wee (voice)
Jan Rabson
Hoot Owl / Dr. Brighthead (voice), Hoot Owl (voice) / Dr. Brighthead (voice)
Gregg Berger
Hoot Owl / Dr. Brighthead (voice), Hoot Owl (voice) / Dr. Brighthead (voice)
Bill Capizzi
Galactor (voice)