.hack//ROOTS (2006)

In 2015, CC Corporation's data centre caught on fire destroying "The World", an online RPG. By using data from a different game, CC Corp was able to rebuild the game. In 2016, The World R:2 was released. In this slightly different world, Haseo spends his time with Shino and Ovan in the guild known as the Twilight Brigade. They are on the search for a legendary item. When a rival team challenges them, the conflict has deep repercussions both inside and outside the game and threatens to change the players forever.


.hack//ROOTS: 1 Season

Other names for .hack//ROOTS

hack roots (US)dot Hack Roots (US)Хак//Корни (RU).хак//Корни (RU).hack// Початок (RU)نقطة اختراق//جذور (SA)