Hairy Maclary
A cooler dog there has never been - Hairy Maclary is charming and sophisticated. Hairy Maclary and his posse of pooches feature in 10 animated tales, based on the best-selling books by New Zealand author, Lynley Dodd. Having sold more than 4 million books worldwide and already over half a million copies in Australia, Hairy Maclary is certainly one popular canine. Join Hairy Maclary from Donaldson's Dairy, Hercules Morse as big as a horse, Bottomley Pots covered in spots, Muffin McLay like a bundle of hay, Bitzer Maloney all skinny and boney and Schnitzel von Krumm with a very low tum in these irresistible stories set around the dairies (general stores) and weatherboard houses of country New Zealand. The original Hairy Maclary was the Winner of the 1984 Children's Picture Book of the Year Award and subsequent stories have won numerous awards worldwide.
Hairy Maclary: Season 1 - 10 Episode s
1x1 - Hairy Maclary from Donaldson's Dairy
Hairy Maclary's friends join him for a walk until, with a sudden yowl, a wail and a howl, they all run off. What could have caused such a scatter of paws?
1x2 - Hairy Macclary's Bone
With a big juicy bone Samuel Stone, Hairy Maclary sets off for the dairy. His friends want him to share it but Hairy Maclary has other ideas . . .
1x3 - Hairy Macclary Scattercat
Hairy Maclary is busy chasing, bustling and hustling all the neighbourhood cats. But there's one particular cat he doesn't expect to meet . . .
1x4 - Schnitzel Von Krumm's Basketwork
Schitzel Von Krumm is outraged when his misguided family decides to replace his worn out, beaten up, smelling old basket. He doesn't like his smart new basket and tries to find something else that's cosy and comforting. But no where is quite right. Eventually his family get the message.
1x5 - Slinky Malinki
Slinky Malinki is a very bad cat who will steal anything, from a clothes peg or a slipper to a string of sausages or a clock.
1x6 - Hairy Maclary's Rumpus at the Vet
Hairy Maclary is waiting to see the vet with lost of other pets. Then something happens to turn the waiting room into a kerfuffling scramble of paws, a tangle of bodies and a jumble of jaws . . .
1x7 - Hairy Maclary Caterwaul Caper
What could be causing the caterwauling cacophony that brings Hairy Maclary and his friends running?
1x8 - Hairy Maclary's Showbusiness
When Hairy Maclary bounces and pounces his way into the cat show, his flustering and blustering brings a very unexpected result . . .
1x9 - Slinky Milinki, Open the Door
Slinky Malinki and Stickybeak Syd, the rainbow lorikeet, are partners in crime. Left alone in the house, the troublesome pair get up to all sorts of mischievous fun. Shredding up sheets, tangling towels and paddling in powder, until they finally meet their match.
1x10 - Schnitzel Von Krumm Forget-Me-Not
Schnitzel gets underfoot during his family's holiday packing. When they leave they don't realise they've left him behind!