Hakugei: Legend of the Moby Dick (1997)
Hakugei: Legend of the Moby Dick is an animated Japanese television series, based on Herman Melville's original novel Moby-Dick. However, this adaptation used futuristic outer space as the setting, with "whales" being large abandoned spaceships instead. It aired from 1997 to 1999, albeit with a suspension of new episodes from November 1997 to October 1998. The series ran for 26 episodes, which have been released on DVD in the USA by ADV Films, spread across six discs.
Hakugei: Legend of the Moby Dick: Season 1 - 26 Episode s
1x1 - Drifting Place
April 9, 1997
1x2 - Whale Hunters
April 16, 1997
1x3 - From a Cold Planet ...
April 23, 1997
1x4 - The White Demon
April 30, 1997
1x5 - Super Battleship Moby Dick
May 7, 1997
1x6 - Farewell! King Kuron
May 14, 1997
1x7 - Nice to Meet You, Haunted Ship!
May 21, 1997
1x8 - My Dear Cape God
May 28, 1997
1x9 - Birth of a Fan Club
June 4, 1997
1x10 - Planet Moad
June 11, 1997
1x11 - Farewell, Lady Whisker ...
June 18, 1997
1x12 - Lovers
June 25, 1997
1x13 - Easy Rider
July 2, 1997
1x14 - The Lasala Express
July 9, 1997
1x15 - Songstress
July 16, 1997
1x16 - Detonator
July 23, 1997
1x17 - Declaration of Independence
July 30, 1997
1x18 - Legend of a Savage Beast
August 6, 1997
1x19 - Ahab's Eetaliation
August 13, 1997
1x20 - Descendant of the Tattoo Clan
August 20, 1997
1x21 - Comeback
August 27, 1997
1x22 - The Unforgivable Ones
September 3, 1997
1x23 - The Moad War Begins
September 10, 1997
1x24 - The Beginning of a Legend ... Wandering
September 17, 1997
1x25 - The Beginning of a Legend ... Countdown
September 24, 1997
1x26 - The Legend of the Whale Hunters
October 1, 1997