Henry's Amazing Animals (1996)
Henry's Amazing Animals is an educational children's nature program produced by Dorling Kindersley and originally broadcast on the Disney Channel in 1996. Its following program was Audubon's Animal Adventures. It currently plays in syndication on Treehouse TV in Canada. It is also available on VHS. The show centres around the interactions of Henry the Lizard, a green CGI gecko with purple spots, and an unseen narrator. Each episode centers on a theme relating to the episode's subject matter, such as Henry traveling through prehistory in a time machine in an episode about Prehistoric Animals. Henry is usually faced with some kind of predicament or work, always relating to the episode's theme, which he resolves by the end of the episode, often learning a lesson of some sort in the process.
Henry's Amazing Animals: Season 1 - 13 Episode s
1x1 - Tropical Birds
April 16, 1996
Featured Animal: Scarlet Macaw
1x2 - Animal Disguises
April 23, 1996
Featured Animal: Chameleon
1x3 - Nighttime Animals
April 30, 1996
Featured Animal: Springhare
1x4 - Animal Appetites
May 7, 1996
Featured Animal: King Penguin
1x5 - Animal Survivors
May 14, 1996
Featured Animal: Wolf
1x6 - Animal Senses
May 21, 1996
Featured Animal: Cat
1x7 - Animal Weapons
May 28, 1996
Featured Animal: Goat
1x8 - Animal Builders
June 4, 1996
Featured Animal: North American Beaver
1x9 - Armored Animals
June 11, 1996
Featured Animal: Tortoise
1x10 - Mini Beasts
June 18, 1996
Featured Animal: Tarantula
1x11 - Animal Babies
June 25, 1996
Featured Animal: Puppy, Kitten, Duckling
1x12 - Poisonous Animals
July 2, 1996
Featured Animal: Gila Monster
1x13 - Animal Journeys
July 9, 1996
Featured Animal: Camel