Henry's Cat (1983)
Henry's Cat is an animated children's television programme, written by Stan Hayward and produced by Bob Godfrey, who was also the producer of Roobarb and Noah and Nelly in... SkylArk. The show starred a laid-back, ponderous yellow cat, known only as Henry's Cat, and his many friends and enemies. Henry's Cat was first screened on 12 September 1983 and has enjoyed reruns since then. Five series were made in total.
Henry's Cat: Season 1 - 20 Episode s
1x1 - The Hobby
September 14, 1983
Henry's Cat is inspired to find a hobby of his own and watches his friends doing theirs.
1x2 - The Race
September 12, 1983
Henry's Cat holds a race with all his friends racing with their own talents.
1x3 - The Circus
September 21, 1983
Henry's Cat sees a circus and sees this as an exciting opportunity.
1x4 - The Competition
September 23, 1983
Henry's Cat, Chris Rabbit and Mosey Mouse dress up as a one-man band for a competition.
1x5 - The Moon Trip
September 28, 1983
Henry's Cat and Chris Rabbit go in a balloon for a journey to the moon.
1x6 - The Hypnotist
September 13, 1983
Henry's Cat is inspired by the TV to try out hypnotism to help his friends, but soon decides to undo his hypnosis.
1x7 - The Holiday
September 22, 1983
Henry's Cat goes on holiday on a sailing boat at sea.
1x8 - The Treasure
September 15, 1983
Henry's Cat and Chris Rabbit try to find treasure with a dividing stick.
1x9 - The Ill Wind
September 13, 1983
A sick Henry's Cat imagines himself dying and going to the afterlife.
1x10 - The Diet
September 19, 1983
Henry's Cat takes the advice of a weighing machine to cut down on overeating and take exercise.
1x11 - The Fortune Teller
September 29, 1983
Henry's Cat goes to a fortune teller at a funfair with his future near at hand.
1x12 - The Explorer
October 4, 1983
Henry's Cat goes exploring to find the West Pole.
1x13 - The Whale
September 16, 1983
Henry's Cat goes fishing for a whale to get something new to eat.
1x14 - The Invention
September 20, 1983
Henry's Cat is inspired to invent a machine and ends inventing something for Captain McGregor.
1x15 - The Dream
September 20, 1983
Henry's Cat falls asleep after eating a lot, dreaming about vivid things.
1x16 - The Robbery
September 27, 1983
Henry's Cat becomes detective, but runs into Mosey Mouse's uncle.
1x17 - The Christmas Dinner
December 24, 1983
Henry's Cat helps Chris Rabbit prepare a Christmas Dinner but they get themselves stuck.
1x18 - The Film
September 26, 1983
Henry's Cat gets an old film cine camera to make a film starring his friends.
1x19 - The Disco Dance
September 30, 1983
Henry's Cat takes his friends to a disco dance competition. When that does not work out, they join a carnival.
1x20 - The Artist
September 27, 1983
Henry's Cat tries to learn about art and how artists see things differently.