Hometown (1985)
Hometown is an American dramedy series than ran on CBS from August 22 to October 15, 1985. The series was a direct adaptation of the smash hit 1983 movie The Big Chill, and centered around the same premise as the film: a group of friends all in their 30s, who had reunited after traveling separate paths following their college days in the 1960s. Upon their reunion, they found that they were even more so an integral part of each other's lives in the 1980s. Julie and Dinah Kirgo served as executive producers, with Barnet Kellman directing most of the episodes. Hometown was produced by Kingette Productions in association with Paramount Television.
Hometown: Season 1 - 9 Episode s
1x1 - Pilot
August 22, 1985
1x2 - Divorce Party
August 29, 1985
1x3 - Joey's Ex-Wife
September 5, 1985
1x4 - Peter's Play
September 12, 1985
1x5 - Weekend in New York
September 19, 1985
1x6 - Paternity
September 24, 1985
1x7 - Mary's Yen
October 1, 1985
1x8 - Nobody's Perfect
October 8, 1985
1x9 - Ben the Candidate
October 15, 1985