Jack Hanna's Animal Adventures (1993)
Jack Hanna's Animal Adventures is a reality television series about animals and their exciting adventures. This series is hosted by Jack Hanna, Director Emeritus of the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium. It is shown weekly in syndication across the country on numerous stations and networks. It is particularly popular in part because of Hanna's mainstream name recognition as an animal expert, but also because the show meets programing criteria for federally mandated educational and informational requirements which all stations must follow. Because of this, some networks air the show five days per week, thus covering all but a half hour of the three-hour E/I mandate.
Jack Hanna's Animal Adventures: Season 1 - 15 Episode s
1x1 - Episode 1
August 21, 1993
1x2 - Hidden Treasures
August 28, 1993
Ocean creatures of Monterey Bay, California.
1x3 - Episode 3
September 4, 1993
Circus animals.
1x4 - Episode 4
September 11, 1993
1x5 - An Ocean Runs Through It
September 18, 1993
Outdoor aquarium in the Bahamas; diving with dolphins.
1x6 - Episode 6
September 25, 1993
1x7 - Together for Life
October 2, 1993
Human/animal bonding; old lions' home.
1x8 - Man's Best Friend
October 9, 1993
Canine companions for people with disabilities.
1x9 - A Day With the Greatest Show on Earth
October 16, 1993
Circus animals.
1x10 - Return of the Dinosaurs
October 23, 1993
Dinosaur descendants, cousins and look-alikes.
1x11 - Baby Boom
October 30, 1993
Baby animals at the Columbus (Ohio) Zoo.
1x12 - Struggle and Survival
November 6, 1993
Coastal development; loggerhead turtles; manatees.
1x13 - Hidden Treasures of Monterey
November 13, 1993
California; Monterey Bay; Cannery Row; shark festival.
1x14 - So You Want to Work With Animals
November 20, 1993
Zoo keepers.
1x15 - Close Encounters
November 27, 1993
Animals close-up: sharks, bay rays, otters.