Kowaremono The Animation (2015)

After her mother left the family, Kasumi lived with her stepfather. One day, Kasumi’s stepfather can no longer control himself and starts having sex with Kasumi. Although this happens regularly from then on, Kasumi does very well at school. Kasumi’s teacher tells Kasumi’s stepfather that the university in Tokyo that she wants is now within reach. To prevent Kasumi from moving away to Tokyo, her stepfather offers to pay for Kasumi to study nearby, and he has another idea as well…

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Kowaremono The Animation: Season 1 - 1 Episode

Kowaremono The Animation: 1 Season

Actors in Kowaremono The Animation

Tags for Kowaremono The Animation

Other names for Kowaremono The Animation

Kasumi's Sex Crisis (US)Broken Things: Kasumi (US)坏掉的东西:霞 (CN)

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