Kurayami Santa (2015)
In the midst of Shouwa era Japan, greed runs rampant through the bustling cities and communities of the nation. King of Hell Enma Daiou summons an envoy into his office in the form of a small boy named Kurayami Santa. Through Enma's debriefing, Santa learns that the amount of greed and selfish behavior produced by humans will soon create an enormous wave of souls entering into Hell simultaneously, which would be catastrophic for Hell itself. Santa is given one mission: do something about it. With neither guidelines nor rules, Santa is tasked to handle the situation as he sees fit. In the human world, a rampaging thunderstorm strikes a nearby cemetery with a bolt of lightning, and the envoy of Hell appears. Teleported into the human world, Santa quickly realizes that humans are just as wicked as Enma had described. Without upsetting the balance between light and dark, Santa begins his quest to complete the mission from Hell and restore order to the human world.
Kurayami Santa: Season 1 - 14 Episode s
1x1 - The Envoy from Hell
July 4, 2015
1x2 - Mercury Fox's Counterattack
May 12, 2015
This episode has not been aired/produced due to "various reasons". It is, however, listed on the official website. A storyboard of this episode will be added content on the DVD release.
1x3 - The Honekami Jizo's Request
July 11, 2015
1x4 - Demon of the Slag Heap
July 18, 2015
1x5 - One Day on Patrol
July 25, 2015
1x6 - Santa and the Oil Presser
August 1, 2015
1x7 - Smoggas of the Factory District
August 8, 2015
1x8 - The Kappa Girl and the Dam Construction
August 15, 2015
1x9 - The Demon From the West
August 22, 2015
1x10 - The Ganster Blues
August 29, 2015
1x11 - The Alien from Outer Space
September 5, 2015
1x12 - The Hell-Bound Man
September 12, 2015
1x13 - The Enormous Ungodlyzilla, Urandar- Part One
September 19, 2015
1x14 - The Enormous Ungodlyzilla, Urandar- Part Two
September 26, 2015
Kurayami Santa: 1 Season
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