Little Italy, Los Angeles (2019)
Follows the interconnected lives of the community's diverse residents, led by its last Italian, Frank the Barber, as they learn to adapt to its' inevitable transformation.
Created by Adriano Valentini
Little Italy, Los Angeles: Season 1 - 6 Episode s
1x1 - Viral
May 20, 2019
A virus infects Little Italy, Los Angeles.
1x2 - Members Only
May 20, 2019
Frank's Mens Only Barbershop is visited by a strange, new customer.
1x3 - Date Night at Dicks
May 20, 2019
Brett gets stood up at Little Italy's newest bar.
1x4 - Brush it like Beckham
May 20, 2019
Nick asks for something Frank can't give.
1x5 - Not My Taco
May 20, 2019
Zoe faces off with Kai's Authentic Mexican Tacos.
1x6 - Un Taglio all'Italiana
May 20, 2019
Frank's oldest and most loyal client struggles to change with the times.