Lucy of the Southern Rainbow (1982)
Lucy of the Southern Rainbow is a Japanese anime series by Nippon Animation. The 1982 adaptation of the studio's popular World Masterpiece Theater franchise, the anime is based on Southern Rainbow by Australian writer Phyllis Piddington, and tells the story of a young girl named Lucy and the hardships and excitement she and her family encounter when they move from England to Adelaide in Australia to start a farm. The anime has been dubbed into French, Italian, Arabic, Spanish, German and Persian. One interesting note is that this was the only World Masterpiece Theater series to be produced while the original creator of the story was still alive. Another adaptation of the story, written by Ken Wakasaki as a tie-in to the anime, was also published in Japan in 1982.
Lucy of the Southern Rainbow: Season 1 - 50 Episode s
1x1 - To a new land
January 10, 1982
1x2 - Cute fellow
January 17, 1982
1x3 - The replacement
January 24, 1982
1x4 - First exploration
January 31, 1982
1x5 - Catt Kewish
February 7, 1982
1x6 - A town named Adelaide
February 14, 1982
1x7 - Ben's misfortune
February 21, 1982
1x8 - Night before departure
February 28, 1982
1x9 - Road to Adelaide
March 7, 1982
1x10 - Green town
March 14, 1982
1x11 - My small house
March 21, 1982
1x12 - Night at Adelaide
March 28, 1982
1x13 - Ben has arrived
April 4, 1982
1x14 - A stout man
April 11, 1982
1x15 - Two homes
April 18, 1982
1x16 - Drenched doctor
April 25, 1982
1x17 - Unfortunate accident
May 2, 1982
1x18 - Tree climbing
May 9, 1982
1x19 - Shopping tine
May 16, 1982
1x20 - Water in the well
May 30, 1982
1x21 - Adelaide's designer
June 6, 1982
1x22 - Children of brick and dingo
June 13, 1982
1x23 - Your name is Little
June 20, 1982
1x24 - The day which marks the end of summer
June 27, 1982
1x25 - When I'm not brought alone
July 4, 1982
1x26 - I got sick!
July 11, 1982
1x27 - Ride on the wind
July 18, 1982
1x28 - Land opposite the river
July 25, 1982
1x29 - Little's training
August 1, 1982
1x30 - Birthday present
August 8, 1982
1x31 - Little and black dog
August 15, 1982
1x32 - Bridge over the rainbow
August 22, 1982
1x33 - Lost dream
August 29, 1982
1x34 - Little and school
September 5, 1982
1x35 - Duel
September 12, 1982
1x36 - Five shillings in the nest
September 19, 1982
1x37 - Bandits of the grassland
September 26, 1982
1x38 - Detective Lucy
October 3, 1982
1x39 - Two farewells
October 10, 1982
1x40 - Who am I?
October 17, 1982
1x41 - A town I do not know, a person I do not recognize
October 24, 1982
1x42 - A child called Emily
October 31, 1982
1x43 - Missing each other
November 7, 1982
1x44 - Little! Little!
November 14, 1982
1x45 - Tob's vanished
November 21, 1982
1x46 - A wombat in the hole
November 28, 1982
1x47 - Father's decision
December 5, 1982
1x48 - Rich child
December 12, 1982
1x49 - Clara's marriage
December 19, 1982
1x50 - Toward's the rainbow
December 26, 1982