Maison Ikkoku (2007)
"Maison Ikkoku" is a live-action TV special premiered on TV Asahi on May 12, 2007. It stars Taiki Nakabayashi as Yusaku and Misaki Ito as Kyoko. A finale was aired on July 26, 2008, under the title "Maison Ikkoku Kanketsuhen", featuring Akina Minami as Kozue Nanao, and Ikki Sawamura as Shun Mitaka. ~~ Adapted from the manga "Maison Ikkoku" (めぞん一刻) by Takahashi Rumiko (高橋留美子).
Maison Ikkoku: Season 1 - 2 Episode s
1x1 - Maison Ikkoku
May 12, 2007
This is a romantic comedy about the relationship of Otonashi Kyoko, the beautiful widow and manager of a boarding house and Godai Yusaku, a poor student tenant.
1x2 - Maison Ikkoku Kanketsuhen
July 26, 2008
In this direct continuation of the earlier special, Godai tries to figure out what to do with his life after college while competing with Kyoko's impossibly perfect tennis coach for her affection.