Most Daring (2007)
Most Daring is an American reality television show produced by Nash Entertainment and truTV Original Productions. Initially showing only rescue footage, it later became a companion to the show Most Shocking and like its sister show, it features footage of police chases, daring rescues, auto accidents and other crazy and outrageous content and sometimes could be scary for some viewers. It bills itself as "The Footage too shocking for Most Shocking". In the US, new episodes currently air on Wednesday nights at 9PM Eastern, right after Most Shocking.
Most Daring: Season 1 - 12 Episode s
1x1 - Episode 1
September 12, 2007
A man has been trapped underneath of an avalanche and his friends must work to rescue him before it’s too late. Later, a fire breaks out in an apartment complex and a young girl is in need of rescue. Finally, when a construction worker finds himself trapped, the local fire department must brave the elements in order to save his life.
1x2 - Episode 2
September 17, 2007
A man gets stuck on the brink of Niagara Falls; firefighters rush to free a trapped man; and a lion trainer tries to rescue his brother from a mauling.
1x3 - Episode 3
September 24, 2007
A firefighter tries to rescue a man from a burning building; a pilot sets out to help stranded hikers on a crumbling hillside; and rescuers try to help a boy swept away by a flash flood.
1x4 - Episode 4
October 2, 2007
A BASE jumper is stuck on a cliff; firefighters try to rescue people from a house; a paramedic tries to free a child trapped under a school bus.
1x5 - Episode 5
January 30, 2008
Pemberton Valley, British Columbia, Canada - at the Big Dog Snowmobile Shootout Tim McGregor is the previous champ going on a final run to win up the mountain.
1x6 - Brace for Impact
February 6, 2008
1x7 - Cheating Death
February 13, 2008
1x8 - Madness & Mayhem
February 20, 2008
1x9 - One False Move
February 27, 2008
1x10 - Horror on the Highway
March 5, 2008
1x11 - Caught in the Crosshairs
March 12, 2008
A clerk from a loan office is held hostage; coaches start a fight; a pyrotechnic is caught in an explosion.
1x13 - Caught in the Crosshairs
March 12, 2008