My Romance From Far Away (2022)

On a long drive from the mountains to the city of Chiang Mai, Captain Phasut's car turns over in an accident that kills him and his wife Namping. Their six-year-old son Tawan was fortunate not to be travelling with them that day. Namping's older brother and owner of a coffee estate, Khunkhao, is rocked by the news. He's quick to take care of the funeral arrangements. There, Thofah—Phasut's younger sister—comes to take Tawan to Bangkok on behalf of his grandfather, Athit. Khunkhao's not ready to let Tawan go live with a grandfather and aunt who he's never met, though. Thofah will do whatever it takes to complete her task.


My Romance From Far Away: 1 Season

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Other names for My Romance From Far Away

情满穹舆 (CN)All I Need Is Love and a Cup of Coffee (GB)Om Fa Op Din (TH)Aom Fah Oab Din (TH)

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