Mythic Warriors (1998)

Mythic Warriors is a Canadian-produced animated television series that was a fixture of CBS' Saturday-morning cartoon lineup. The show featured retellings of popular Greek myths that were altered so as to be appropriate for younger audiences. Two seasons of episodes were produced in 1998 and 1999; then aired alongside reruns until 2000, when CBS' abolition of its children's programming resulted in its cancellation. The programme was continues to be re-aired on STV. Original in 2009 on wknd@stv, which is a children's television strand on Scottish television channel, then on Saturday mornings on STV during 2010. The series has been translated into Scottish Gaelic and is broadcast on BBC Alba since 2012. Most of the characters in the show are all portrayed with their original Greek names, though Romanized exceptions were also utilized.


Mythic Warriors: Season 1 - 13 Episode s

Mythic Warriors: 2 Season s

Other names for Mythic Warriors

Mythic warriors: Greek mythology legend guardian (US)그리스 로마신화: 전설의 수호자들 (KR)그리스 로마 신화: 전설의 수호자들 (KR)