Oh No! Here Comes Trouble (2023)

A high school student Yiyong, played by Tseng Jing-hua, gets into a bus accident that not only leaves him comatosed for more than a year, but also causes him to wake up with his grandfather’s supernatural powers. With that, Yiyong’s life will never be the same, and the original boring life of Yiyong becomes a fantasy-filled and wild monster-fighting adventure which he embarks on with the help of his school rival, Cao Guangyan played by Peng Cian You, and a rookie policewoman Chen Chuying played by Vivian Sung.

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Oh No! Here Comes Trouble: 1 Season

Other names for Oh No! Here Comes Trouble

Oh No Here Comes Trouble (US)Oh No! Here Comes Trouble (US)不良执念清除师 (CN)不良執念清除師 (TW)ဝိဉာဉ်အပေါင်းတို့ရယ် ဒုက္ခရောက်ပြီ။ (MM)

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