Photon was a live action television show in the mid-1980s, which was tied in to the Photon lasertag arenas and home game. It was produced by DIC Entertainment as a first run syndicated kids series which shown in various syndicated markets through most of the mid eighties. Animator Shinji Aramaki served as miniature model maker/designer on the special effects team for the series.
Photon: Season 1 - 23 Episode s
1x1 - Recruit
1x2 - Friends and Enemies
1x3 - A Grave Matter
1x4 - If At First You Don't Succeed
1x5 - Just for Fun
1x6 - The Light Flickers
1x7 - Lost Time
1x8 - Maze of Fear
1x9 - Mind Zapper
1x10 - Necessity & Invention 1
1x11 - Necessity & Invention 2
1x12 - Nivian Challenge
1x13 - No Laughing Matter
1x14 - One of a Kind
1x15 - Rebel of Cyborgs
1x16 - The Right Time
1x17 - The Road Taken
1x18 - Skin Deep
1x19 - Space Terror
1x20 - Think Quick
1x21 - United We Stand
1x22 - Unknown
1x23 - Stalemate