Pretty Restless
Pretty Restless is a coming of age, female driven series, that follows Amber, Chelsea and Mia in their senior year of high school. As the best friends rush to define who they will be as adults, their restless natures could pull them apart.
Pretty Restless: Season 1 - 5 Episode s
1x1 - Pretty Distracted
Best friends Amber, Chelsea and Mia start their senior year of high school but their minds seem to be elsewhere.
1x2 - Pretty Rebellious
Amber, Chelsea and Mia are starting to decide who they want to be - but their families have other ideas.
1x3 - Pretty Entangled
Amber's relationship is progressing, Chelsea is experiencing the downside of internet fame and Mia finds her new life more complicated than she expected.
1x4 - Pretty Lost
Amber, Chelsea and Mia each find themselves struggling, alone and facing some difficult decisions.
1x5 - Pretty Tense
Amber, Chelsea and Mia know what they want but, as they forge their way ahead, tensions start to rise.
Pretty Restless: 1 Season
Actors in Pretty Restless
Emily Kruse
Mia Silver
Sammie Litten
Chelsea Hawkins
Lucia Dimitra Xypteras
Sabrina Ventura
Vivian Nweze
Amber Anderson
David Clayton Jackson
Blake Thompson
George Cristo
Stuart Jenkins
Cam Patrick
Matt Franklin
Victor Zachary
Dr. Andrew Hawkins
Eric Seiver
Dr. Gregory Hawkins
Kristen Lucia
Megan Hawkins
Paige Palmari
Char Cole
Samuel Larsen
Connor Phoenix
Zach Crowley
Zach Barnett
Noelle Gibson
Tina Perkins