Roobarb (1974)
Roobarb is a British animated children's television programme, originally shown on BBC1 just before the evening news. Each cartoon, written by Grange Calveley and animated by Bob Godfrey, was about five minutes long. Thirty episodes were made, and the show was first shown on 21 October 1974. The theme is that of the friendly rivalry between Roobarb the green dog and Custard the pink cat from next door. The narration of the series was provided by the actor Richard Briers. On 18 February 2013, Briers died, followed four days later by animator Godfrey.
Roobarb: Season 1 - 30 Episode s
1x1 - When Roobarb Made A Spike
October 21, 1974
Roobarb wants to eat worms so he makes a spike, some wings and some springs so that he is like a bird.
1x2 - When Roobarb Didn't See the Sun Come Up
October 22, 1974
Roobarb tries to ice-skate.
1x3 - When Roobarb Was Being Bored Then Not Being Bored
October 23, 1974
Roobarb is bored, so he puts on a show.
1x4 - When The Tree Fell To Pieces
October 24, 1974
It is a windy day and all of the leaves get blown off of the tree.
1x5 - When Roobarb Found The Sauce Of The Pond
October 28, 1974
All of the water in the pond has evaporated so Roobarb goes to find some and comes back with chocolate sauce.
1x6 - When It Was Night
October 29, 1974
Roobarb has a dream in which he is a general fighting against crow indians.
1x7 - When The Sun Was Just Right
October 30, 1974
Roobarb makes a film.
1x8 - When The Opera Wasn't A Phantom
October 31, 1974
Roobarb makes some extra-fizzy lemonade.
1x9 - When There Wasn't Treasure
November 4, 1974
Roobarb attempts to find some treasure.
1x10 - When It Wasn't Thorsday
November 5, 1974
Roobarb angers the Viking Gods.
1x11 - When Roobarb Was Cheating
November 6, 1974
Roobarb organises a sports day.
1x12 - When Custard Was Sorry
November 7, 1974
Custard joins a gang of criminals.
1x13 - When Roobarb Mixed the Paint
November 11, 1974
Roobarb redecorates his house with help from Custard and the other animals.
1x14 - When Roobarb's Heart Ruled His Head
November 12, 1974
Tramp dogs take over Roobarbs house.
1x15 - When The Day Didn't Arrive
November 13, 1974
The garden is covered in fog.
1x16 - When You're Going To Fly-Fly High
November 14, 1974
Roobarb starts a travel agency.
1x17 - When Roobarb Did The Lion's Share
November 18, 1974
Roobarb meets a lion.
1x18 - When Roobarb Was at the End of His Tether
November 19, 1974
Roobarb joins the scouts.
1x19 - When Custard Stole the Show
November 20, 1974
Custard goes on a deep pond diving expedition.
1x20 - When There Was A Dance At Foxes Dale
November 21, 1974
There is a dance at foxes dale.
1x21 - When Roobarb Wasn't As Pleased As Punch
November 25, 1974
Roobarb puts on a puppet show.
1x22 - When Roobarb Turned Over A New Leaf
November 26, 1974
Roobarb plants some seeds.
1x23 - When The Day Wouldn't Keep Still
November 27, 1974
Roobarb has hiccups.
1x24 - When There Was Someone Else
November 28, 1974
Roobarb is followed by a shadow.
1x25 - When Roobarb Got A long Break
December 2, 1974
Roobarb wants some peace and quiet.
1x26 - When The Pipes Call The Tune
December 3, 1974
Roobarb gets some bagpipes.
1x27 - When A Knight Lost His Day
December 4, 1974
Roobarb pretends to be a knight.
1x28 - When Custard Got Too Near The Bone
December 5, 1974
Roobarb hides some rubber bones in the garden.
1x29 - When It Was Christmas
December 24, 1974
Roobarb organises a christmas party.
1x30 - When There Was A Big Mix Up
March 29, 1976
Roobarb pretends to be a hypnotist.