Sabrina: The Animated Series (1999)

An animated prequel to the live-action show "Sabrina, the Teenage Witch," the series features 12-year-old Sabrina Spellman, who's half mortal and half witch. Though few people know of her powers, and her mortal uncle frequently warns her not to use her magic to solve problems, Sabrina still borrows spells from the Spookie Jar and gets into trouble with her friend Harvey.


Sabrina: The Animated Series: Season 1 - 65 Episode s

Sabrina: The Animated Series: 2 Season s

Other names for Sabrina: The Animated Series

Disney's Sabrina (US)Sabrina the Animated Series (US)魔法少女莎宾娜 (CN)Sabrina (FR)Σαμπρίνα: Η Μικρή Μάγισσα (GR)Simsalabim Sabrina (DE)

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