Sakura (2002)
Sakura is a Japanese serialized morning television drama that aired on NHK from April 1 to September 28 of 2002. The series totalled 156 episodes. It chronicles the life of Matsushita Sakura, a Sansei Japanese-American living in Hawaii. She moves to a small town in Japan to be an assistant language teacher for Japanese middle-school students. The show, lasting only 15 minutes long, is on every morning except Sunday, every week. Sakura first comes to Japan living with her grandparents; later, she moves because she has to teach English to the Japanese students. There she learns many valuable lessons and makes new friends.
Sakura: Season 1 - 100 Episode s
1x1 - Episode 1
April 1, 2002
1x2 - Episode 2
April 2, 2002
1x3 - Episode 3
April 3, 2002
1x4 - Episode 4
April 4, 2002
1x5 - Episode 5
April 5, 2002
1x6 - Episode 6
April 6, 2002
1x7 - Episode 7
April 8, 2002
1x8 - Episode 8
April 9, 2002
1x9 - Episode 9
April 10, 2002
1x10 - Episode 10
April 11, 2002
1x11 - Episode 11
April 12, 2002
1x12 - Episode 12
April 13, 2002
1x13 - Episode 13
April 14, 2002
1x14 - Episode 14
April 15, 2002
1x15 - Episode 15
April 17, 2002
1x16 - Episode 16
April 18, 2002
1x17 - Episode 17
April 19, 2002
1x18 - Episode 18
April 20, 2002
1x19 - Episode 19
April 22, 2002
1x20 - Episode 20
April 23, 2002
1x21 - Episode 21
April 24, 2002
1x22 - Episode 22
April 25, 2002
1x23 - Episode 23
April 26, 2002
1x24 - Episode 24
April 27, 2002
1x25 - Episode 25
April 29, 2002
1x26 - Episode 26
April 30, 2002
1x27 - Episode 27
May 1, 2002
1x28 - Episode 28
May 2, 2002
1x29 - Episode 29
May 3, 2002
1x30 - Episode 30
May 4, 2002
1x31 - Episode 31
May 6, 2002
1x32 - Episode 32
May 7, 2002
1x33 - Episode 33
May 8, 2002
1x34 - Episode 34
May 9, 2002
1x35 - Episode 35
May 10, 2002
1x36 - Episode 36
May 11, 2002
1x37 - Episode 37
May 13, 2002
1x38 - Episode 38
May 14, 2002
1x39 - Episode 39
May 15, 2002
1x40 - Episode 40
May 16, 2002
1x41 - Episode 41
May 23, 2002
1x42 - Episode 42
May 24, 2002
1x43 - Episode 43
May 26, 2002
1x44 - Episode 44
May 27, 2002
1x45 - Episode 45
May 28, 2002
1x46 - Episode 46
May 29, 2002
1x47 - Episode 47
May 30, 2002
1x48 - Episode 48
May 31, 2002
1x49 - Episode 49
June 2, 2002
1x50 - Episode 50
June 3, 2002
1x51 - Episode 51
June 4, 2002
1x52 - Episode 52
June 5, 2002
1x53 - Episode 53
June 6, 2002
1x54 - Episode 54
June 7, 2002
1x55 - Episode 55
June 9, 2002
1x56 - Episode 56
June 10, 2002
1x57 - Episode 57
June 11, 2002
1x58 - Episode 58
June 12, 2002
1x59 - Episode 59
June 13, 2002
1x60 - Episode 60
June 20, 2002
1x61 - Episode 61
June 22, 2002
1x62 - Episode 62
June 23, 2002
1x63 - Episode 63
June 24, 2002
1x64 - Episode 64
July 1, 2002
1x65 - Episode 65
July 2, 2002
1x66 - Episode 66
July 3, 2002
1x67 - Episode 67
July 5, 2002
1x68 - Episode 68
July 6, 2002
1x69 - Episode 69
July 7, 2002
1x70 - Episode 70
July 8, 2002
1x71 - Episode 71
July 9, 2002
1x72 - Episode 72
July 10, 2002
1x73 - Episode 73
July 12, 2002
1x74 - Episode 74
July 13, 2002
1x75 - Episode 75
July 14, 2002
1x76 - Episode 76
July 15, 2002
1x77 - Episode 77
July 16, 2002
1x78 - Episode 78
July 17, 2002
1x79 - Episode 79
July 19, 2002
1x80 - Episode 80
July 20, 2002
1x81 - Episode 81
July 21, 2002
1x82 - Episode 82
July 22, 2002
1x83 - Episode 83
July 23, 2002
1x84 - Episode 84
July 24, 2002
1x85 - Episode 85
July 26, 2002
1x86 - Episode 86
July 27, 2002
1x87 - Episode 87
July 28, 2002
1x88 - Episode 88
July 29, 2002
1x89 - Episode 89
July 30, 2002
1x90 - Episode 90
July 31, 2002
1x91 - Episode 91
August 2, 2002
1x92 - Episode 92
August 3, 2002
1x93 - Episode 93
August 4, 2002
1x94 - Episode 94
August 5, 2002
1x95 - Episode 95
August 6, 2002
1x96 - Episode 96
August 7, 2002
1x97 - Episode 97
August 9, 2002
1x98 - Episode 98
August 10, 2002
1x99 - Episode 99
August 11, 2002
1x100 - Episode 100
August 12, 2002
Sakura: 1 Season
Actors in Sakura
Tags for Sakura
Other names for Sakura
Shows like Sakura
156 Episode s . Mare is an elementary school student. She lives with her family in the city, but, right before her father goes bankrupt, they run away and settle down at a fishing village in Noto. The family rents a couple's home who run a salt pond. Mare's father starts a new business, but it also fails. Her mother supports the family by working at the salt pond. 8 years later, Mare, about to graduate from high school, decides to work for the Wajima local government. She wants to have a steady job, unlike her father. Her job is to support people who move to Noto.
156 Episode s . Mare is an elementary school student. She lives with her family in the city, but, right before her father goes bankrupt, they run away and settle down at a fishing village in Noto. The family rents a couple's home who run a salt pond. Mare's father starts a new business, but it also fails. Her mother supports the family by working at the salt pond. 8 years later, Mare, about to graduate from high school, decides to work for the Wajima local government. She wants to have a steady job, unlike her father. Her job is to support people who move to Noto.
Hanako & Anne
156 Episode s . A Japanese girl from a poor family named Hanako went on an adventure to study in a girl's Christian school in Tokyo. She found her passion in English and step by step made her dream come true.
Hanako & Anne
156 Episode s . A Japanese girl from a poor family named Hanako went on an adventure to study in a girl's Christian school in Tokyo. She found her passion in English and step by step made her dream come true.
156 Episode s . Okuhara Natsu was born in Tokyo in 1937. In 1945, she loses both parents to war and becomes an orphan, but her father’s comrade, Shibata Takeo, takes her in and moves to Tokachi in Hokkaido. In an unfamiliar land surrounded by unfamiliar people, Natsu feels lost at first, but surrounded by Tokachi’s vast nature and its strong, yet compassionate people, she grows up to be a strong girl. When Natsu enters elementary school, she meets Yamada Tenyo who draws lovely pictures of horses. Tenyo tells her that in America, animation in which pictures move is becoming popular, Natsu’s curiosity is piqued. Upon graduating high school, Natsu goes to Tokyo to look up her brother, and takes a jump into the world of animation.
156 Episode s . Okuhara Natsu was born in Tokyo in 1937. In 1945, she loses both parents to war and becomes an orphan, but her father’s comrade, Shibata Takeo, takes her in and moves to Tokachi in Hokkaido. In an unfamiliar land surrounded by unfamiliar people, Natsu feels lost at first, but surrounded by Tokachi’s vast nature and its strong, yet compassionate people, she grows up to be a strong girl. When Natsu enters elementary school, she meets Yamada Tenyo who draws lovely pictures of horses. Tenyo tells her that in America, animation in which pictures move is becoming popular, Natsu’s curiosity is piqued. Upon graduating high school, Natsu goes to Tokyo to look up her brother, and takes a jump into the world of animation.
150 Episode s . Uno Meiko is the daughter of parents who run a western style restaurant in Tokyo. She marries and moves to Osaka with her husband. Meiko experiences cultural differences between Tokyo and Osaka, as she lives as a mother and wife in Osaka.
150 Episode s . Uno Meiko is the daughter of parents who run a western style restaurant in Tokyo. She marries and moves to Osaka with her husband. Meiko experiences cultural differences between Tokyo and Osaka, as she lives as a mother and wife in Osaka.
160 Episode s . The 17-year-old Yatabe Mineko grew up in a family of seven in a mountain village in northeastern Ibaraki Prefecture. Her father Minoru has gone to Tokyo to work in order to earn extra money. However, her life completely changes when her father does not come back for the New Year. Mineko asks her family to let her go to Tokyo to find him and promises to send money home. In the autumn of 1964, she and two childhood friends Tokiko and Mitsuo are hired to start working at a small factory in Tokyo’s working class neighborhood. After work each day, Mineko searches for her father and gets disheartened at times. Mineko overcomes challenges and starts to lay down roots in Tokyo as she experiences many meetings and farewells amid the laughter and tears with regulars, people of the shopping street, friends, and colleagues. But will she be able to find her father?
160 Episode s . The 17-year-old Yatabe Mineko grew up in a family of seven in a mountain village in northeastern Ibaraki Prefecture. Her father Minoru has gone to Tokyo to work in order to earn extra money. However, her life completely changes when her father does not come back for the New Year. Mineko asks her family to let her go to Tokyo to find him and promises to send money home. In the autumn of 1964, she and two childhood friends Tokiko and Mitsuo are hired to start working at a small factory in Tokyo’s working class neighborhood. After work each day, Mineko searches for her father and gets disheartened at times. Mineko overcomes challenges and starts to lay down roots in Tokyo as she experiences many meetings and farewells amid the laughter and tears with regulars, people of the shopping street, friends, and colleagues. But will she be able to find her father?
157 Episode s . Amachan is the 88th 2013 NHK asadora written by Kankuro Kudo (Tiger and Dragon, Unobore Deka). It's about Amano Aki (Nounen Rena), a 16 year old girl from Tokyo who goes to her mother's former home in Sodegahama, a fishing village in Kitasanriku, Iwate prefecture for the summer break. She falls in love with the sea and its people, and decides to stay on to become an Ama (women divers who fetch clams and sea urchins for tourists) just like her grandmother, Natsu (Miyamoto Nobuko). Her decision is welcomed wholeheartedly by Natsu and the other locals. However, her mother Haruko (Koizumi Kyoko) does not like the idea at first. She has a strained relationship with Natsu, and her extreme dislike of the sea, diving and the countryside is one of the reasons why she left her hometown 24 years ago. Eventually, she decides to stay in Sodegahama with Aki, considering that she is contemplating on getting a divorce anyway and does not want to go back to her husband in Tokyo. She also notices that it might be good for Aki for she seems livelier and happier in Kitasanriku than in Tokyo. The road towards becoming a full-fledged Ama-san is tough for Aki as she encounters tests and hurdles. One day, a video of her as an Ama gets uploaded in the city's tourism website, transforming an ordinary high school girl into an overnight Internet sensation. Suddenly she is called upon to use this opportunity to attract tourists to a city suffering from depopulation.
157 Episode s . Amachan is the 88th 2013 NHK asadora written by Kankuro Kudo (Tiger and Dragon, Unobore Deka). It's about Amano Aki (Nounen Rena), a 16 year old girl from Tokyo who goes to her mother's former home in Sodegahama, a fishing village in Kitasanriku, Iwate prefecture for the summer break. She falls in love with the sea and its people, and decides to stay on to become an Ama (women divers who fetch clams and sea urchins for tourists) just like her grandmother, Natsu (Miyamoto Nobuko). Her decision is welcomed wholeheartedly by Natsu and the other locals. However, her mother Haruko (Koizumi Kyoko) does not like the idea at first. She has a strained relationship with Natsu, and her extreme dislike of the sea, diving and the countryside is one of the reasons why she left her hometown 24 years ago. Eventually, she decides to stay in Sodegahama with Aki, considering that she is contemplating on getting a divorce anyway and does not want to go back to her husband in Tokyo. She also notices that it might be good for Aki for she seems livelier and happier in Kitasanriku than in Tokyo. The road towards becoming a full-fledged Ama-san is tough for Aki as she encounters tests and hurdles. One day, a video of her as an Ama gets uploaded in the city's tourism website, transforming an ordinary high school girl into an overnight Internet sensation. Suddenly she is called upon to use this opportunity to attract tourists to a city suffering from depopulation.
Toto Nee-chan
156 Episode s . In 1930 and as a young child, Tsuneko Kohashi lives at Enshu in Shizuoka Prefecture. She has a happy life with her parents and two younger sisters. Things change after her father dies from tuberculosis. Her father asked Tsuneko Kohashi to take care of the family in his place. Due to financial difficulties, her mother Kimiko decides to move the family to Tokyo where Tsuneko's grandmother lives.
Toto Nee-chan
156 Episode s . In 1930 and as a young child, Tsuneko Kohashi lives at Enshu in Shizuoka Prefecture. She has a happy life with her parents and two younger sisters. Things change after her father dies from tuberculosis. Her father asked Tsuneko Kohashi to take care of the family in his place. Due to financial difficulties, her mother Kimiko decides to move the family to Tokyo where Tsuneko's grandmother lives.
169 Episode s . The 64th NHK Asadora Renzoku Drama is Churasan, a story of a young woman, Kohagura Eri, who was born in Kohamajima Island, Okinawa on May 15, 1972, the day when Okinawa was returned to Japan from the U.S. Eleven years later, Kamimura Shizuko and her two sons, Kazuya and Fumiya, from Tokyo come to stay as the guests of a small inn run by Eri’s family. Eri’s fun-loving, yet eccentric family welcomes them warmly. However, Eri is shocked to hear one of the sons, Kazuya is terminally ill and Shizuko and her sons came to Okinawa to spend his last moment together in beautiful nature. Fumiya, Kazuya’s younger brother, and Eri promise to marry each other someday. However after Kazuya’s death, Fumiya and his mother leave the island to go back to Tokyo. Years later, they are reunited, Eri as a nurse and Fumiya, a doctor, working at the same hospital in Tokyo.
169 Episode s . The 64th NHK Asadora Renzoku Drama is Churasan, a story of a young woman, Kohagura Eri, who was born in Kohamajima Island, Okinawa on May 15, 1972, the day when Okinawa was returned to Japan from the U.S. Eleven years later, Kamimura Shizuko and her two sons, Kazuya and Fumiya, from Tokyo come to stay as the guests of a small inn run by Eri’s family. Eri’s fun-loving, yet eccentric family welcomes them warmly. However, Eri is shocked to hear one of the sons, Kazuya is terminally ill and Shizuko and her sons came to Okinawa to spend his last moment together in beautiful nature. Fumiya, Kazuya’s younger brother, and Eri promise to marry each other someday. However after Kazuya’s death, Fumiya and his mother leave the island to go back to Tokyo. Years later, they are reunited, Eri as a nurse and Fumiya, a doctor, working at the same hospital in Tokyo.
115 Episode s . In the end of Meiji era, Takei Chiyo was born in a poor family in Osaka, and was sent to a theatre tea room as a servant when she was 9 years old. There, she was attracted by the world of theatre comedy. She grows up to be an actor and marries to Amami Ippei , but the war broke out and she was forced to stay away from acting for a while. However, when she comes back again, her acting in a radio drama impresses many people and makes herself one of the leading actors in western Japan.
115 Episode s . In the end of Meiji era, Takei Chiyo was born in a poor family in Osaka, and was sent to a theatre tea room as a servant when she was 9 years old. There, she was attracted by the world of theatre comedy. She grows up to be an actor and marries to Amami Ippei , but the war broke out and she was forced to stay away from acting for a while. However, when she comes back again, her acting in a radio drama impresses many people and makes herself one of the leading actors in western Japan.
Jun to Ai
151 Episode s . Jun to Ai is a Japanese television drama series. It debuted on October 1, 2012 and was broadcast until March 30, 2013. It is about a girl named Jun Kanō, raised in Miyakojima, Okinawa, who moves to Osaka to work in a hotel. There she meets a man named Itoshi Machida, with whom she falls in love. It is the 87th NHK Asadora.
Jun to Ai
151 Episode s . Jun to Ai is a Japanese television drama series. It debuted on October 1, 2012 and was broadcast until March 30, 2013. It is about a girl named Jun Kanō, raised in Miyakojima, Okinawa, who moves to Osaka to work in a hotel. There she meets a man named Itoshi Machida, with whom she falls in love. It is the 87th NHK Asadora.