Seconds From Disaster (2005)

Seconds from Disaster is a US/UK-produced documentary television programme that investigates historically relevant man-made and natural disasters of the 20th century. Each episode aims to explain a single incidental by analyzing the causes and circumstances that ultimately effected the disaster. The program uses re-enactments, interviews, testimonies, and CGI to analyze the sequence of events second-by-second for the audience. Narrators for the show are Ashton Smith, Richard Vaughan and Peter Guinness.


Seconds From Disaster: Season 1 - 13 Episode s

Actors in Seconds From Disaster

Tags for Seconds From Disaster

Other names for Seconds From Disaster

重返危机现场 (CN)Segundos catastróficos (ES)La minute de vérité (FR)Quei secondi fatali (IT)Sekunden vor dem Unglück (DE)Sekunder från katastrof (SE)

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