Shades of L.A. (1990)

Shades of L.A. is an American crime drama television series that aired from October 10, 1990 until April 6, 1991. Det. Michael Burton of the Los Angeles Police Department is a casual cop until he finds himself in limbo after a bullet grazes his head. He finds himself surrounded by "shades" - spirits trapped between heaven and hell until they can complete any unfinished business on earth. Once resuscitated, he can still see the "shades" so goes about helping them.

Created by

Shades of L.A.: Season 1 - 20 Episode s

Shades of L.A.: 1 Season

Actors in Shades of L.A.

Other names for Shades of L.A.

Line of fire (US)Shadow cop (US)

Shows like Shades of L.A.