Shakespeare: The Animated Tales (1992)
An animated adaptation of twelve of Shakespeare's best-known plays. The series was produced by S4C for the BBC, but animated by some of the foremost artists of Soyuzmultfilm, the former Soviet Union's main animation studio. Each 26-minute play is directed by a different animator, in a wide variety of styles: cel animation for Macbeth, stop-motion puppets in Twelfth Night, and paint on glass for Hamlet.
Shakespeare: The Animated Tales: Season 1 - 6 Episode s
1x1 - A Midsummer Night's Dream
November 9, 1992
Four young lovers, trying to resolve their passions, and six worthy workmen, trying to rehearse a play, stumble about in a dark, haunted wood, while the powerful spirits play havoc with their hearts and minds.
1x2 - The Tempest
November 16, 1992
Prospero, a powerful magician, lives on an island with his daughter Miranda. They are served by Caliban, a hideous monster, and Ariel, a wild, discontented spirit.
1x3 - Macbeth
November 23, 1992
1x4 - Romeo and Juliet
November 30, 1992
1x5 - Hamlet
December 7, 1992
1x6 - Twelfth Night
December 14, 1992