Star Wars Rebels (2014)

A spark of rebellion ignites...

In the time between Star Wars: Episodes III and IV, Star Wars Rebels (2014) chronicles a period of increasing darkness when the malevolent Galactic Empire consolidates its control over the galaxy. A desolate planet falls under the occupation of Imperial forces, disrupting the lives of its inhabitants. The unlikely yet resourceful crew of the spaceship Ghost, including cowboy Jedi Kanan, skilled pilot Hera, savvy teen Ezra, the strong Zeb, fiery warrior Sabine, and grumpy droid Chopper, are among the few courageous enough to resist the Empire. As a united force, they confront formidable new foes, clash with vibrant adversaries, embark on exhilarating adventures, and evolve into heroes capable of sparking a rebellion.


Star Wars Rebels: Season 1 - 13 Episode s

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Other names for Star Wars Rebels

星球大战:义军崛起 (CN)סטאר וורס: מורדים (IL)Star Wars: Rebels (ES)Star Wars : Rebels (FR)Star Wars: Rebels (GB)Ο Πόλεμος των Άστρων: Οι Επαναστάτες (GR)星球大战:反抗军起义 (HK)Gwiezdne Wojny: Rebelianci (PL)Звёздные войны: Повстанцы (RU)Zvjezdani ratovi: Pobunjenici (HR)Star Wars: Povstalci (CZ)

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