Strawberry on the Shortcake (2001)
Strawberry on the Shortcake is a Japanese romance television drama series which stars Hideaki Takizawa and Kyoko Fukada and aired on TBS in 2001. It was written by Shinji Nojima, and directed by Nobuhiro Doi and Hiroshi Matsubara.
Strawberry on the Shortcake: Season 1 - 10 Episode s
1x1 - Episode 1
January 12, 2001
1x2 - Episode 2
January 19, 2001
1x3 - Episode 3
January 26, 2001
1x4 - Episode 4
February 2, 2001
1x5 - Episode 5
February 9, 2001
1x6 - Episode 6
February 16, 2001
1x7 - Episode 7
February 23, 2001
1x8 - Episode 8
March 2, 2001
1x9 - Episode 9
March 9, 2001
1x10 - Episode 10
March 16, 2001
Strawberry on the Shortcake: 1 Season
Actors in Strawberry on the Shortcake
Other names for Strawberry on the Shortcake
S.O.S. (US)