Super Robot Wars OG: The Inspector (2010)

Super Robot Wars Original Generation: The Inspector is a Japanese anime series, that retells the events from the Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation 2 game, a game featuring only original characters and mechs created by Banpresto for the Super Robot Wars franchise. It was produced by Asahi Production and started broadcasting in several Japanese TV Stations on October 1, 2010. The anime also received a simulcast release on the English anime streaming website, Crunchyroll.


Super Robot Wars OG: The Inspector: Season 1 - 26 Episode s

Super Robot Wars OG: The Inspector: 1 Season

Actors in Super Robot Wars OG: The Inspector

Tags for Super Robot Wars OG: The Inspector

Other names for Super Robot Wars OG: The Inspector

Super Robot Wars Original Generation: The Inspector (US)Super Robot Wars OG: The Inspector (US)超级机器人大战OG -The inspector- (CN)Supa Robotto Taisen Oji Ji Insupekta (JP)슈퍼로봇대전 OG: 디 인스펙터 (KR)슈퍼로봇대전OG: 디 인스펙터 (KR)

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