Terry and the Pirates (1952)
Terry and the Pirates is a short-lived American adventure series based on Milton Caniff's popular comic strip, was telecast from June 26, 1953 to November 21, 1953. The syndicated series ran for 18 episodes and was produced by Don Sharpe Enterprises. Canada Dry Ginger Ale was the show's original sponsor.
Terry and the Pirates: Season 1 - 18 Episode s
1x1 - Macao Gold
November 25, 1952
1x2 - The Maitland Affair
1x3 - Diplomatic Passport
1x4 - The Green God
1x5 - Loaded Dice Affair
1x6 - Chinese Coffin
1x7 - Boxer's Rebellion
1x8 - Little Mandarin
1x9 - Co-Pilots
1x10 - Chinese Legacy
1x11 - Black Market for Death
1x12 - Compound C-3 Theft
1x13 - Extra Cargo
1x14 - Deadly Species
1x15 - Tea Hee
1x16 - The Randall Affair
1x17 - Overseer
1x18 - The Diamond Maker