The Adventures of T-Rex (1992)
The Adventures of T-Rex is an animated series that aired in syndication from 1992 to 1993 in North America. The show features five musical Tyrannosaurus brothers who played to sold-out crowds as a vaudeville group for the Dragon company owned by the beautiful and wealthy Myrna while also secretly fighting crime as "T-REX," masterminded by Professor Edison. The show, an American/Japanese coproduction between DIC and well-known anime producer Kitty Film lasted only one season. Set in a world of anthropomophic dinosaurs, brothers Bernie, Bruno, Bubba, Buck and Bugsy were born with special powers to help fight crime. Each brother's special power was related to a specific part of their anatomy; Bernie's legs, Bruno's arms, Bubba's tail, Buck's mouth and teeth, and Bugsy's telekinetic eyes. The group rode out on their Rexmobile to battle “Big Boss” Graves, crime kingpin of Rep City, and his evil organization, The Corporation. Kid sister Ginger was part of the singing group, but didn’t know about her brothers’ secret identities. One of the show’s other noteworthy elements was giving the T-Rexes imitation celebrity voices: Jack Benny, Art Carney, Bing Crosby, Humphrey Bogart and Jimmy Durante.
The Adventures of T-Rex: Season 1 - 52 Episode s
1x1 - Hijack
September 18, 1992
Infuriated by T-Rex's triumphs and his own thugs failures, Boss Graves imports an out-of-town hit-dino - an enormous, fire spewing, Godzilla like monster, named Hot Shot, to eliminate T-Rex from Rep City.
1x2 - Hot Shot
September 16, 1992
Boss Graves has his eye on a priceless Soap Diamond, but Shooter, his chief hench-reptile, is too busy falling in love to have his eye on anything but the dino-lady concerned.
1x3 - Rep Side Story
September 25, 1992
After T-Rex foil him yet again, Boss Graves and Shooter hatch a clever scheme which involves the famous film director, Percy B. DeMillions offering Bruno and Bernie roles as robbers in a new movie, ""The Bank Heist"".
1x4 - Star
September 15, 1992
The new Rep City gymnasium becomes the scene of Boss Graves' latest scheme when the Black Widow - an aerobics instructor - hypnotizes Mayor Maynot into disrupting the political structure of the city.
1x5 - Mesmerized Mayor
September 17, 1992
After T-Rex stop the Corporation boys from robbing an armored car, Boss Graves orders his men to expose the real identities of T-Rex and ""ice 'em"".
1x6 - The Big Freeze
September 22, 1992
1x7 - Vinny and The Brothers
October 8, 1992
1x8 - Big Time At The Big House
September 23, 1992
1x9 - Rep City Games
September 24, 1992
1x10 - Robo Flop
September 21, 1992
1x11 - Screwloose
September 14, 1992
1x12 - Radio Dazed
October 6, 1992
1x13 - The Comeback Kid.
October 22, 1992
1x14 - The Comeback Kid
October 22, 1992
1x15 - The Fabulous Brother Boys
September 30, 1992
1x16 - Play It Again
October 5, 1992
1x17 - Big Boss Blues
October 1, 1992
1x18 - Witness Protection
September 28, 1992
1x19 - Biggest Chill
September 29, 1992
1x20 - Dance Fever
October 12, 1992
1x21 - The Contender
October 9, 1992
1x22 - Mayor's Egg
October 19, 1992
1x23 - The Flying Boat
October 26, 1992
1x24 - Rep City Guru
October 13, 1992
1x25 - The Kimono Kaper
October 2, 1992
1x26 - Crusin' For A Brusin'
November 23, 1992
1x27 - Cruisin' For A Brusin'
November 23, 1992
1x28 - Country Cousins
January 23, 1993
1x29 - The Rexmobile
January 5, 1993
1x30 - Really Big Foot
November 5, 1992
1x31 - It's All In The Cards
November 9, 1992
1x32 - Flo and Ed
December 3, 1992
1x33 - Fight At The Opera
November 2, 1992
1x34 - The Rex Stuff
October 27, 1992
1x35 - Rep City Blues
1x36 - Radio Rip-off
1x37 - Ginger Snaps
October 23, 1992
1x38 - They Flap By Night
November 13, 1992
1x39 - The Dough Stops Here
December 15, 1992
1x40 - Bungee Bandits
January 6, 1993
1x41 - The Best Offense
November 3, 1992
1x42 - My Fair Chain Gang
November 20, 1992
1x43 - The Grand Science Fair
November 19, 1992
1x44 - Crime Takes A Holiday
November 17, 1992
1x45 - The Rep City Rockets
January 6, 1993
1x46 - It's A Gas
November 24, 1992
1x47 - The Big Bite
December 17, 1992
1x48 - Bag Of Bones
January 4, 1993
1x49 - Up The River
December 1, 1992
1x50 - Weekend In The Country
January 7, 1993
1x51 - Little Big Boss
January 8, 1993
1x52 - Super T-Rex
November 30, 1992