The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus (1996)
Based on a book by L. Frank Baum, famed author of the "Wizard of Oz" series, The Adventures of Young Santa Claus tells the story of Santa Claus as a child and youth before becoming the world-renowned saint of Christmas. Filled with the loves, dreams, and adventures of a boy growing up, this skillfully drawn animation presents the answers to children's most perplexing questions, such as why Santa Claus delivers Christmas presents around the world, how he is able to do it all in one day, and why he rides a sleigh pulled by reindeer. Discoveries abound for every generation in the heartwarming adventures of the young Santa, his cat, fairies and reindeer.
The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus: Season 1 - 24 Episode s
1x1 - Episode 1
April 6, 1996
1x2 - Episode 2
April 13, 1996
1x3 - Episode 3
April 20, 1996
1x4 - Episode 4
April 27, 1996
1x5 - Episode 5
May 4, 1996
1x6 - Episode 6
May 11, 1996
1x7 - Episode 7
May 18, 1996
1x8 - Episode 8
May 25, 1996
1x9 - Episode 9
June 1, 1996
1x10 - Episode 10
June 8, 1996
1x11 - Episode 11
June 15, 1996
1x12 - Episode 12
June 22, 1996
1x13 - Episode 13
June 29, 1996
1x14 - Episode 14
July 6, 1996
1x15 - Episode 15
July 13, 1996
1x16 - Episode 16
July 20, 1996
1x17 - Episode 17
July 27, 1996
1x18 - Episode 18
August 3, 1996
1x19 - Episode 19
August 10, 1996
1x20 - Episode 20
August 17, 1996
1x21 - Episode 21
August 24, 1996
1x22 - Episode 22
August 31, 1996
1x23 - Episode 23
September 7, 1996
1x24 - Episode 24
September 14, 1996