The Bob Crane Show (1975)
The Bob Crane Show is an American situation comedy that aired on NBC. The series starred Bob Crane as Bob Wilcox, a man in his 40s who quits his job as an insurance salesman to return to medical school. The series co-starred Patricia Harty as his wife Ellie Wilcox, who becomes the family's breadwinner while Bob is in school. After initial delays, the series debuted on March 6, 1975. The Bob Crane Show performed poorly in the Nielsen ratings and was canceled after 13 weeks.
The Bob Crane Show: Season 1 - 14 Episode s
1x1 - Mid-Term Blues
March 6, 1975
1x2 - Not With My Mother You Don't
March 13, 1975
1x3 - But I Love My Life
April 17, 1975
1x4 - Grin and Bare It
May 1, 1975
1x5 - One Summer of Misery
April 3, 1975
1x6 - The Lyle Principal
May 15, 1975
1x7 - Acute Bussophobia
April 24, 1975
1x8 - Grin and Bear It
May 1, 1975
1x9 - Campus Capers (a.k.a.) The Embezzler
June 5, 1975
1x10 - Son of Campus Capers
June 12, 1975
1x11 - An American Fiasco
May 22, 1975
1x12 - The Doctor Sings the Blues
May 29, 1975
1x13 - The Embezzler
June 5, 1975
1x14 - The Son of Campus Capers
June 12, 1975